Implantation or Early Pregnancy: How to Identify?
First and foremost, it’s important for you to know that in the early stages of pregnancy, some minor bleeding may occur, which doesn’t necessarily indicate any problem.
This can be quite normal, however, it raises questions for women: how to identify implantation bleeding or early pregnancy?
When this type of bleeding occurs, it not only raises questions but also brings about various feelings such as apprehension and distress, as it is certainly a moment of great anticipation.
Especially for those women who have been trying to conceive for some time.
Studies suggest that around 20 to 40% of pregnant women experience at least one instance of bleeding in the first few months of pregnancy.
In couples undergoing infertility treatment, doubts about whether it’s implantation bleeding or early pregnancy are even greater. And it’s understandable since many undergo lengthy treatments in an attempt to conceive a child.
In the face of any doubt, it’s best to seek a specialist. However, it’s also important to identify whether it’s implantation bleeding or early pregnancy.
That’s exactly what we’ll talk about in today’s post. Keep reading and learn about the differences between the two!
What is implantation bleeding?
Every pregnancy begins when the egg implants into the uterine wall. Shortly after the egg is fertilized and during ovulation, the level of the hormone progesterone rises, which can produce certain symptoms quite similar to those of pregnancy.
However, these are not the symptoms that typically characterize pregnancy; rather, they are symptoms of implantation. They indicate that something different is happening in the body, and among these symptoms is implantation bleeding.
This is not very common, and when it happens, it’s often mistaken for menstruation. Therefore, implantation bleeding occurs when the embryo is implanted in the uterus.
Do all women experience implantation bleeding?
Even though it’s common, not all women experience implantation bleeding. Only 15 to 25% of women observe this at the beginning of pregnancy. Remember that this type of bleeding is a sign of implantation; however, if you’re concerned, consult your gynecologist.
Pay attention to the type of bleeding
It’s important to mention that not all brownish and light bleeding is due to implantation. You should be very alert about this. Implantation bleeding is only considered when pregnancy is confirmed. It can last from one to three days or more in some specific cases. But then it should disappear completely.
The difference between implantation bleeding and menstruation
The main differences between the two are the color, the amount of blood, and the duration. Despite this, it can be confused since the signs are similar, but once you know the details of each, you can identify them.
In general, menstruation usually lasts between four and seven days, with a consistent flow of blood, in a red tone. Implantation bleeding, on the other hand, may start as light pink or brown, remaining extremely light. And it almost always appears in the form of spots, very different from menstrual flow.
If even after knowing the differences, you still feel worried, it’s best to consult your doctor and not let this distress linger.
Is there any danger when implantation bleeding occurs?
Even though it’s something normal, if it’s confirmed to be implantation, it’s best to consult your doctor to rule out any risk to your pregnancy.

Implantation-or-Early-Pregnancy-How-to-Identify (Fonte- Canva)
How long after implantation bleeding can I take a pregnancy test?
When there’s doubt between implantation bleeding or the Early Pregnancy, this is a very common question.
If you haven’t taken the test yet, you can do so immediately if you wish. Various pregnancy tests can detect the hCG hormone (pregnancy hormone) even 4 days before the missed period.
However, if you take the test too early, it may appear as a false negative, since the hCG levels may be too low to be detected. If you still have doubts, you can take the test again after 48 hours from the last result.
Also, if you’ve been trying to conceive for some time and haven’t had any success, you can seek a specialist who can give you tips on how to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

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